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Around the League 2019-2023 Edition

His Ekholm trade alone was better than anything a Leafs gm has done in at least two decades.

Hyman contract pretty damn brilliant too. Made plenty of mistakes but you can't say he isn't bold. Leafs have needed bold for awhile now.
He don’t care about leaving a clean, crisp balance sheet
Definitely some sloppy work and nowhere near the best gm in the league (though better than Tre, hence my comment!). But a few of his ballsy moves turned that franchise around and took them to a level that the Leafs have never been at.

There are moments where you need to plug your nose and abandon the clean crisp balance sheet philosophy if you think it can help you become a top 2-3 team in the short term. That's arguably better than a slightly longer window being a top 5-7 team like the Leafs.
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Hyman's last 3 years in TO:

6 of 21 goals into the empty net = 28.5% of total goals.
4 of 21 goals into the empty net = 19% of total goals.
2 of 15 goals into the empty net = 13.3% of total goals.

Tavares' 6 years with the Leafs:

184 goals, 4 into the ENG = 2% of total goals.
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