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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Amazing goal, amazing player. And the guy beefed himself up for two years, and he is starting to throw guys around.

And did anyone notice Matthews throw a Lightning player like he was a rag doll?

All we gotta do is make the playoffs and we can bring it home.

It could already be arranged and Vegas and Mark Cuban wipe up, AGAIN.
His dad I suspect, groomed him. Guy has been beefing up for two years. He is big now, beefy and he ain't taking no shit.

Guy is starting to throw around opposing players. And I love it, I have liked this player/piece, since we drafted him.

Imagine a GM attaching the word PIECE to a player, well that was asshole Burke.

He and Matthews have been the two best players along with Muzzin.
I am proud of this board actually, we all stuck with Willy. Guy is a very good "piece" now.

Disgusting way to talk about a player, but Burke started it, and now narrative, process and piece are part of our every day life.

All garbage words. Pjoreatives imo
My eye test tells me, IF, IF, Andersen gets right. We win the Cup. We are the most talented team in the NHL and we might not make the playoffs. How sad is that?
I thought you said it's already been determined that the Leafs are winning the Cup. I bet my life savings on them.

I'll be so pissed if I lose $100.
I thought you said it's already been determined that the Leafs are winning the Cup. I bet my life savings on them.

I'll be so pissed if I lose $100.

Sure you did. The setup is there. Sit beside the owner of the Canadiens and have a real tete to tete.

All fixed, all arranged.
Poor kid has had some tough injuries. And yeah, 6-8 weeks for what is most likely groin? They're dreaming.

Hockey, it may not be as rough as it used to be, but its still really hard on the body.
So everyone hoping the Habs win tonight?
No not really. I want the canes and BJ's or rags to catch the isles personally for the sake of exciting hockey in the playoffs.

Canes success has very little to do with the leafs at this point. All about the panthers.