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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Krieder would have been a more annoying pickup. He is pure Bruin, big, fast, plays hard. Dealing with him and Debrusk on a line would be a nightmare.
Dreger probably just read this on twitter and decided to pass it off as coming from his own sources:

Oh btw, that Kase deal is a nice example of how easy it is to dump a horrible contract. If Muzzin's deal looks like a tire fire by year 3 or 4, he's easily movable. A point I completely forgot is that he won't be a 35+ deal. This makes an enormous difference.
Oh btw, that Kase deal is a nice example of how easy it is to dump a horrible contract. If Muzzin's deal looks like a tire fire by year 3 or 4, he's easily movable. A point I completely forgot is that he won't be a 35+ deal. This makes an enormous difference.

Marleau’s was only one year and we got squat in return.
Marleau had a full NMC. Backes didnt

The only was Marleau was being moved was to a team that was going to buy him out
And accept zero cap relief while doing it because it's a 35+ contract. 6.5 or whatever it was on the books. Dead money. Canes traded for him knowing it would be dead money because he didn't want to play there. Good luck finding a team taking 6.5 million on their cap at less of a cost.

Entirely different situations. Anyway the point is Leafs will not have that issue with muzzin because its not a 35+ contract.
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Some team pays hefty price for Severson.

Pair of idiot analysts question move citing Vaatanen and Subban as better options on his own tean

Bob chimes in with excellent contract/numbers

Idiot analysts ignore, cite no experience, not flashy.

Mike Johnson loses mind off screen