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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

So the highest paid goalie in the league having the best cup final ever is supposedly proof of not needing good goaltending, ok…
But again there is a clear misrepresentation and perhaps a misunderstanding of how data and deltas work. I never once said you don't need good goaltending.
Prior to this season Bobrovsky hadn't had an elite season since 2016-2017 and was looked at as a cap liability. He was laughed at by everyone here. That's a larger sample of mediocrity than this one year. We are all gonna pretend we've been Bobrovsky stans for years now and predicted this would happen? And they never would have won a cup if they didn't dedicate 10m to him? Is that what we're going with?

People are wrong once again. The career .915 goalie with two vezinas came up huge again. It was a solid bet.

Don’t think Florida is complaining about the contract now.
I think it's just a fundamental lack of comprehension on samples, deltas and general variance differences by position.
Prior to this season Bobrovsky hadn't had an elite season since 2016-2017 and was looked at as a cap liability. He was laughed at by everyone here. That's a larger sample of mediocrity than this one year. We are all gonna pretend we've been Bobrovsky stans for years now and predicted this would happen? And they never would have won a cup if they didn't dedicate 10m to him? Is that what we're going with?
He was literally bandied about here as the worst contract in the league. Inconsistent, unreliable, and a terrible cap investment.

Now he's MVP.
People are wrong once again. The career .915 goalie with two vezinas came up huge again. It was a solid bet.

Don’t think Florida is complaining about the contract now.
Which confirms another argument I've made.. Forumice goalie takes have aged horrendously for years. Not because we're dumb, but because it's the position with the least predictability. How the fuck are you supposed to know which goalie will perform the best in any 4-7 game sample? Impossible. The variance (and I'm talking quantifiable variances which were shared earlier in the thread) game to game and even year to year is drastically different than any other position. It just isn't even close. Hell, they don't even have sensical aging curves. It's hard and there's an element to typical statistical randomness that we don't always appreciate here.
Three of the last five years he posted .906, .901, .900. For $10M per.

Just happened to be that this year he's shown up.

You're never going to get one of these guys to do this consistently. And it's not like each year the cup is won mainly because of a big name goalie with a track record. So to tie up significant assets and money in a guy who may or may not be amazing when the time comes isn't a good bet. The lesser guys that come cheaper win even more often than the big name big money guys.
Three of the last five years he posted .906, .901, .900. For $10M per.

Just happened to be that this year he's shown up.

You're never going to get one of these guys to do this consistently. And it's not like each year the cup is won mainly because of a big name goalie with a track record. So to tie up significant assets and money in a guy who may or may not be amazing when the time comes isn't a good bet. The lesser guys that come cheaper win even more often than the big name big money guys.
Forumice has suddenly become Presidents of the Bobrosvky Fanclub because he's about to win a cup. I love it. We all have egos I guess and like to pretend we know everything.
That’s a decent reason to inspire a fan club
Yeah and you all totally knew all along that paying him $10m was the right choice after his years of failure as a Panther. You expected him to have his best season in 6 years and best as a Panther as a 35 year old.
Yeah and you all totally knew all along that paying him $10m was the right choice after his years of failure as a Panther. You expected him to have his best season in 6 years and best as a Panther as a 35 year old.

Except nobody said that… at least in the posts I’ve read
Except nobody said that.
Of course they did. They say Bobrovsky is proof that you need a good goalie. Except we have spent years here talking about how shit he is. So is he a good goalie or is he having a random bounceback heater at 35 after being mediocre for Florida throughout his time there? Here are two examples but there are many more examples of this. I won't provide the worst offenses because I'm polite.


Of course they did. They say Bobrovsky is proof that you need a good goalie. Except we have spent years here talking about how shit he is. So is he a good goalie or is he having a random bounceback year at 35 after being mediocre for Florida throughout his time there? Here's are two examples but there are many more examples of this. I won't provide the worst offenses because I'm polite.

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View attachment 20795

So uhh, how has Bobrovsky been over the few years since I made those comments and would that data cause a rational human being to adjust a 2 year old take?
So uhh, how has Bobrovsky been over the few years since I made those comments and would that data cause a rational human being to adjust a 2 year old take?
1 year. He had a very good year this year. But you were correct to point out that prior to his 35 year old year, he was grossly disappointing for Florida. So where is the predictability that the 35 year old would suddenly have a great year? How are we supposed to know that this would happen? What is the lesson for the Leafs? What is there for them to "copy?"
So uhh, how has Bobrovsky been over the few years since I made those comments and would that data cause a rational human being to adjust a 2 year old take?

Sorry, no in and out priveleges at the Bobrovsky Fan Lounge. Once you leave… it’s adios forever
What is the lesson for the Leafs?

Don't be afraid to pay a reasonable amount of AAV and/or player acquisition cost for a goalie that has a good performance track record over a reasonable multi year sample size in a similar role to what you envision him having here. Because what Bobrovsky proves is that even when you overpay and he underperforms, it stands a better chance of working out in the end than trawling the depths of the fucking ocean for your next goalie and hoping for the best.
Sorry, no in and out priveleges at the Bobrovsky Fan Lounge. Once you leave… it’s adios forever
Again, not the argument. Of course his body of work looks better now. That is obviously not what is being challenged.