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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Like OEL for example - not only was he good sheltered 5v5, but he also ran the 2nd pp unit and the top unit when montour was injured.
They may need to do that as well and replace the #6 with a league min guy. It's all very tight but it sounds like it's their goal right now to sign all those dudes. Can't happen with Liljegren making 3+ tho.
If they can unload yarncock and cumpf without any real salary back then it all works.
Exactly. Too many coaches prefer dogshit gritty "professionals" to the hard work necessary to develop kids properly. I agree.

Which is how smart organizations like Florida turn these misfit toys into champions while the rest of us scream about idiots in our front offices.
I was mostly making a joke about LOF's love for Lilly, I agree that some coaches should be more willing to put in the effort with young kids and not freak out at every mistake, but at the same time it's silly to assess most players on their play including guys who played for years under Keefe, but then have one guy like Lilly where it's 100% the coach's fault.