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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Of course he was talking about visible minorities. Unless you think he can tell the difference between a non-poppy wearing white American and a poppy wearing white Canadian just by looking at them.


Problem is there’s nothing in his actual words that indicate that. For all we know, this was spurred on by him speaking at some Russian or Swedish hockey event earlier that day where he saw no one wearing a poppy. We don’t actually know. And if he’s talking to visible minorities, which one, Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, which? We can even specify who he’s racist against from his comments.

And even if he is referring to visible minorities, he’s telling them to support the vets and the country. He’s telling them to show more pride for their new country by buying a poppy. If he noticed few women wearing a poppy compared to men in the rink that night and said you women go buy a poppy, is that anything to really care about? This whole thing is way overblown.
Yes I do think that.

And so do you.

Because neither of us are 5 year olds.

I don’t. I don’t know which race he’s talking to. Which one is it?

Again, how is a guy who’s supported numerous black players, Asians like Paul Kariya, Arab descent guys like Kadri, suddenly a racist? Is it just non-hockey playing visible minorities that get those racist juices flowing?
Problem is there’s nothing in his actual words that indicate that. For all we know, this was spurred on by him speaking at some Russian or Swedish hockey event earlier that day where he saw no one wearing a poppy. We don’t actually know. And if he’s talking to visible minorities, which one, Asians, Indians, Pakistanis, which? We can even specify who he’s racist against from his comments.

And even if he is referring to visible minorities, he’s telling them to support the vets and the country. He’s telling them to show more pride for their new country by buying a poppy. If he noticed few women wearing a poppy compared to men in the rink that night and said you women go buy a poppy, is that anything to really care about? This whole thing is way overblown.

No the problem is his words absolutely indicate that whether that is what he really meant or not. And that there is no evidence to support the claim.

Its only overblown if you literally do not care about being inclusive towards immigrants and visible minorities.
How can LOF be so incredibyl wrong about literally everything? Holy shit it's getting to unreal levels now.
No the problem is his words absolutely indicate that whether that is what he really meant or not. And that there is no evidence to support the claim.

Its only overblown if you literally do not care about being inclusive towards immigrants and visible minorities.

We’ve all watched his segments since we were kids. He’s never been a racist, sorry. He’s a guy who believes in rough and tough hockey and so he’s stereotyped a lot over the years about soft Swedes and so on, but it’s all a general commentary about how they play the game. Even then, he loved Mats and the Sedins, to name a couple.

He made off color comments about supporting the country and directed it at immigrants. It wasn’t a great thing to do, but it didn’t come from a place of racism. Nationalism, sure. Racism, no.
He may not be racist. I'm not saying that he is definitely racist. But it was definitely a racist thing to say, and definitely made people of races other than white feel excluded from our national sport. And its not the first time he has made a comment with that effect.
He may not be racist. I'm not saying that he is definitely racist. But it was definitely a racist thing to say, and definitely made people of races other than white feel excluded from our national sport. And its not the first time he has made a comment with that effect.

It wasn’t the right thing to say, or the right way to say it, but what else is new with him? I just don’t think it’s in any way accurate for people to be tossing around the racist label so casually. Unless we think he actually hates other races, which is what that term covers, it shouldn’t be tagged as a racist commentary.
It's xenophobia more then blatant racism. Regardless it's so dumb to try to pinpoint who he was targetting, he shouldn't be targetting anyone specifically. He created a "real" Canadian vs other Canadian dichotomy which only serves to divide the country. If he was there to try to educate others on the importance of the poppy then he should have done that. But he's 85 years old and should have retired 20 years ago so he no longer has a filter for his xenophobia.
It wasn’t the right thing to say, or the right way to say it, but what else is new with him? I just don’t think it’s in any way accurate for people to be tossing around the racist label so casually. Unless we think he actually hates other races, which is what that term covers, it shouldn’t be tagged as a racist commentary.

Part of the disconnect here, apparently, is that you don't know what the term "racist" means.

It does not simply mean that you "hate" someone of a particular race.
Part of the disconnect here, apparently, is that you don't know what the term "racist" means.

It does not simply mean that you "hate" someone of a particular race.

a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

He singled out one or more unspecified race(s) for not buying poppies. Meanwhile he’s exhibited overt affection for members of those same races for many years.
The former of leader of the KKK, Daniel Carver's favorite actor of all-time was Eddie Murphy.

He's not racist guys.

And Daniel Carver had a thing against blacks because they didn’t buy poppies, right? Cherry has ever said or done anything negative in regards to another race that we know of other than saying immigrants should buy poppies? Again, immigrants, not Asians, or Indians, but immigrants.
The former of leader of the KKK, Daniel Carver's favorite actor of all-time was Eddie Murphy.

He's not racist guys.

Lets not forgot the time he said he was surprised Japanese people were like regular people during Nagano

Or when he said Jagr would be on the streets with a loaf of bread and an onion if it wasnt for the USA
It hardly matters that he said at this point.
His platform had to be taken away and it had to be done in a manner in which HNIC could save face doing it.
He has walked a fine line often, obviously never enough for them to let him go and not have to deal with the backlash.
Don served it up on a platter for them this weekend.