Unlike the NFL, which can afford to be cavalier about everything and which only needs to ask itself "Can they play this Sunday?" the NHL is not impervious to sponsor, media, and fan blowback. There is no way any of these players can ever play in the league again, short of the victim recanting her statement. And don't give me this "wokeness" bullshit either. This is felony rape. You can't "boys will be boys" this under the rug.
Every last one of these players needs to be punished, starting with but not limited to, their lifetime expulsion from the NHL and their contracts voided with immediate effect. And Hockey Canada needs to be crushed into a million bits and scattered to the four winds. It should never receive one red cent of taxpayer money ever again. And the people who were at the top of HC at the time who tried to brush it under the rug need to be charged as accessories after the fact. None of them should be allowed to run a lemonade stand, let alone a sports body.