I will get banned again soon, worry not.
Yes because the taxpayers are morons in those cities. It's just corporate welfare. Neither the Braves, nor the Rangers nor the Flyers need a taxpayer handout. Build your own fucking stadiums like the SF Giants had to do. Like the Habs had to do.so were Turner Field and the baseball stadium in Arlington, each got new ones in 30 yrs. Flyers are getting a new one too.
You seem to think that because civic leaders in some cities are willing to let their citizens get fucked in the ass by the local billionaire team owner that everyone should bend over. It's wrong and any politician who wastes tax money on these handouts to team owners should be in jail.
Pro sports are not more important than schools hospitals, homeless shelters, or infrastructure. And before the city of Montreal even considers giving the Habs one red cent they need to fix literally every other problem they have first. Fill some fucking potholes before you give away the farm to Geoff Molson.