Well-known member
Actually I love that guy. I actually watch his show (sermon) here and there.
so weird
I think the last one I watched was a half hour on why one shouldn't hold hate in their heart. Someone does something bad to you, fuck it, forget about it, let karma bring him down, don't drop to that level and try to one-up the shitty thing they did in retaliation. Don't fill yourself with anger and anxiety over something someone else does. Just let it roll off you and go about your life.
So what? Everything you watch is original? He tells stories I've never heard and illustrates points in interesting ways. The subject matter is pristine, decent stuff that everyone can benefit from. I like this sort of thing. In high school, there was a class on jewish philosophy which was very similar in form and substance, and it was a great class. This is very reminiscent, so I like it. And it's not must see tv for me, by the way. I don't know when it's on, and I don't search for it. But here and there I'll see it pop up on the guide, and if I'm in the mood for it, I'll give it a watch. I guarantee that the value of his lectures is one billion times the fucking disgusting garbage message of say a pile of shit like Succession.Not exactly an original piece of advice. I dare say the idea of “letting things go” is something you been exposed to 1000 times, including in a fortune cookie that time you ordered Chinese food or watched a rerun episode of Golden Girls