Sure, when others are covering the cost of child care for irresponsible sexual dalliances, there's reason to be thrilled when all your kids end up at your doorstep.
Ive never even seen ‘American Graffiti‘ but I have always been curious just what kind of filmography he’d have if Star Wars didn’t become such a neutron star of a phenomenon and become so all consuming.
Theres something sad about him that just strikes me that Star Wars ruined the artistic life he’d wanted to have or something.
THX was really good and well ahead of its time. graffiti was also realgud. the guy was a very talented director that just stopped trying to do anything else after star wars went huge.
About 60% of births nowadays (and it keeps going up) are done by caesarean because insurance providers don't want to pay for natural childbirth and doctors and hospital admins want logistical certainty when allotting time and space for births. Natural labor can go on for hours or days. If you opt for a c-section it's done and dusted in 30 minutes. Of course, no one ever talks about the fact that a c-section is a surgical procedure that involes cutting into the abdomen and pretty much destroys the mother's core muscles, ensuring a longer post-partum recovery time (which patients mostly have to do on their own at home because hospitals and insurance providers want a quick turnaround to save on costs) They also don't mention all the risks inherent with using drugs to induce labor, which can cause all sorts of problems for the baby because the drugs breach the blood barrier between mother and child.