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I have a hard time feeling bad for any Christian that believes in the prosperity gospel. You have to literally ignore all of the gospels and the very specific and on-point teachings of Christ about prosperity to believe it. It’s basically a get-rich-quick scam.

Osteen is a businessman and his business is taking advantage of foolish, vulnerable people. I think the main issue is that corporate mega-churches are tax exempt in the US, which is effectively giving the state’s stamp of approval to their grift.
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God"
- Luke 18:25

But don't let that stop you from trying, Joel.
Religion is a con and televangelists like Osteen, who live a life of "Osteentatious" wealth are all grifting scumbags. He has a net worth of something like $100 million. And he does take donations that are collected at the services he gives. He makes over $40 million a year just from the collection plate. And from everything I've ever seen or read, none of that cash is going to the poor, as the baby Jebus would have wanted. Instead it goes to pay for his $10.5 million dollar mansion, his $300K Ferrari and his wife's shopping sprees. He is a walking advertisement for the need to tax churches into extinction.

And to top it off, the fucker took over $4 million in PPP during the pandemic.

He's no better than Madoff. In many ways he might be worse. Madoff preyed on people's greed. Osteen preys on people's faith.

I have no idea how people cannot see through their bullshit. Mind boggling to say the least.

Then again, look at the following Trump has. How the fuck can people be that gullible?