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Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Talk

There was a a blowup last night between Jace and Audrey, Jace is convinced James Was talked into last minute to but him up. Then in true Audrey fashion she goes ripping through the house for no reason
Yeah it started earlier in the afternoon. They had a big talk outside, then Jace just boiled over last night. Audrey started it by asking Jace if he wants to talk. 'Only if you have something good to say to me.'

but, he was being all fishy about it saying he knows she was behind it, while whenever Audrey was asking for details about what she said, never asking who said what, he would change the topic.

Jace is done.

She needs to win HOH, or she is in trouble next week.
One person that has changed my mind from pre game is Vanessa since watching the feeds, find myself always watching her
Ya see they went down I am on another site they are free but you can get HD no adds if you donate, want that?
Everyone is aware of Audrey's crap. sounds like she will be target next week unless she wins and stays HOH
This Covo makes me dislike Jace even more poor Steve

Audrey is in real trouble. She just came out playing way too hard. Some game talk yes, but she has painted herself into a corner and has been called on it now. Less crazy than Devin last year, but the history is there, play hard early with so many people, go home early.
ITs been a super busy time in the house since the show edned last night as nominations have already happened.

Becky nominated Jason and Steve

Shelli nominated Johnnie Mac and Da'Vonne

Also have nots are Meg, Jason, James and Steve
I think I am done watching the live feeds. They went down for me last night, and have not come back on. I've tried to load this GOM add on to Chrome, and then deleted cookies and such, but then it won't even let me back into the dollarbillz site. Let alone to get into the feeds. They say to change country to USA, which I did in my control panel, but yeah, nothing.

Oh well. Enjoy the feeds.
Well that sucks, just me in the thread now lol
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Johnny Mac won Veto the word is Liz will replace him and Day is the target
I will likely follow through Jokers Updates, but I won't be watching.

Must be having all the issues, because of the ban on Canada watching the feeds, which I never understood.
There are a lot of theories going around. There has been talk of a twin twist, they think Johnnie Mac is the twin, and they think Audrey is an American's Player, thus her suspected hinky vote. There seems to be talk that almost anything will go, which makes sense.

Haven't seen anything about a phone yet.
Ya there has been no phone sighting yet, most houe gests are asleep because they were up all day/night
I think Day is going to lose her shit when Audrey is not put up.

Surprised at the balls of Shelli in asking Jonnie Mac not to use it.