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Big Brother 17 Live Feeds Talk

Lazy lazy day today around the house. July 4th and all, so they are off from comps and events. Not even a tonne of game talk at this point, but there are rumours of a BBQ tonight for the holiday, although not sure if the slop people will be allowed. Some years they are for special events, and sometimes not.
Soem game talk has gone one, I don't know if it is a new alliance, or if they are working together right now but, Shelli, Clay, Austin and Vanessa were trying to get Shelli to put someone else up but Liz. Liz was there for a bit, pleaded her case, and left. The five of them seem pretty much in agreement, and it sounds like the replacement nom will be Meg, although Day is still the target.
Johnnie Mac saves himself, and Meg is nominated next too Davonne. Figuring she is the nice one that no one would want to get rid of over Da'Vonne.

Day and Jason have been moping around since realizing she was the target, Jason has even shed some crocodile tears.

Now that the POV has happened, the phone is likely to come into play. Figure the delay in that it won't affect Noms.
the Phone is just to give power just to cancel 3 votes or to prevent 3 people from voting was my understanding
Yeah, that is what it is. But, what I was thinking, that if they had done it before hand, and they knew someone had some secret power, then it would be beneficial to nominate that person. So, the noms and everything played out, then they can dole out that power. Protection of a sort.
So Day and Jason think that they have got it figured out that Liz is a twin, and they are doing the replacement twin thing.

Apparently one is the 'chunky one' and one is 'this faced' to use their words. Also I guess there has been a couple instances of Liz not remember doing something, and as near as they can figure this is the only explanation.

Davonne and Jason wanted to go ask the Diary Room about it, see what reaction she would get, then there is fish for a while.

So either the twin thing is up, and...would they remove Liz from the game for it? Or it is time for the phone calls.
Da'vonne testing Liz/Julia trying o see if she is right. Asking what impression she did last night, little thing to try and trip her up.

Also,rumours are that Day is the one who got the lucky number 7 phone call. Clay said he was going for it, but Day took it from him. Maybe each person got a call based a number they picked> That is a guess.
Da'Vonne has gotten the 7th call, wonder if she will be able to save herself or if she has no chance to many votes to evict her
They have totally figured out the twin thing, planning on testing it in many ways. But Jason in particular is not being pleasant about it, continually eferring to one of the as the fat one, how she is obese, spilling out of her pants and that kind of thing. 'But like any good fat girl, she has a good heart'. Seems like most of the house is in on it now, not sure what if anything BB will do. They had to have a plan for this.
So Da'vonne told Liz/Julia that people are saying she is a twin, and that the personalities are different and such. OF coure, she did exactly what she got mad at Audrey for, and said one thing, without revealing that she is the one starting all the talk. She is using it to try and get Liz's vote.

I think she only needs 5 votes since she has the last laugh, and has Jason's for sure. She is using this to get Liz's and is going to a few others asking for one single sympathy vote, hoping they will add up.

Pretty much everyone knows now of the Liz/Julia suspicions. It will be interesting to see how BB plays this.
Twin Twist is dead I guess, Julia admitted it to Vanessa last night, and then this morning to Clayb and Shelli, trying to set up a long term alliance, Shelli, Clay, Vanessa, Austin and Liz/Julia. So not sure how BB is going to play this, if at all.
My understanding is the twins will not be out of the game unless evicted , could be wrong
Sounding like an Audrey backdoor is the talk this week but who knows, we see how that didn't happen last week lol
Ok Audrey is not a target wtf is wrong with these people the longer she stays the harder she'll be to get out
Steve Will not going on the block as told by hoh's after everyone in the house said he should go up