So, Johnnie Mac won the POV again. Good on him, I like that dude.
Vanessa and Austin had a bit of a row because Austin threw the comp, and then Vanessa and Audrey had a logn talk where VAn asked Audrey to use her brain ( she is very smart) to come up with an idea to backdoor Jeff.
Vanessa later went 'nuts' and started telling Shelli all about her idea that Clay is a twin, and Shelli sort of half bought into it, saying she had noticed some things were different. She also might have been trolling Vanessa, it was odd.
Vanessa just called the HG's to a meeting, which was being shown on camera. She got a note from production, that although Gronk does not like Have nots, when Gronk calls a party, Gronk expects people to show up. So, if he calls one, and you don't go, you are a party pooper, and thus you become a have not.