TER has been a double whammy. The only MSO that is almost purely speculative. I can't believe how hard it dropped!
It likely has a lot of upside if the sector runs. Maybe the most upside of em all. I'm staying out but I like the play.buying back the chunk I sold at 19 in late Feb. I got 14 as my stop.
great analysis...but I just sold everything due to xtrends
He has been something else lately. I check on his tweets every day because they entertain me. I like the guy but man.. Dude has some conviction. I prefer traders who aren't as convinced in themselves.
I believe he is predicting the selling will happen on Monday at 10:43am sharp. Dude has some ability. An AVALANCHE of selling.he couldn't wait till wednesday? i'm supposed to retire on tuesday after vff earnings or declare bankruptcy
Hey **** you VEXT. Stupid thinly traded penny stock that dumps like 4% in the last second of trading.
Love seeing Big Benny Kovler outperform. Awesome day. Get ready for doomsday on Monday.
Safest stock to own on the market. Runs completely independently to the broad tape. Might be the best hedge out there!I'm super impressed with GME --- pretty stable now, closed up 2%....didn't get halted 15 times
Me too. But if you get paid and we see an xtrends prediction come to fruition of a HISTORIC AVALANCHE of selling I'll probably add to my cheap June 2022's. Although xtrends is predicting more of a dump to like... 150-160 on SPY. Which is... interesting.I'm hedged with a slug of cheap SPY Monday puts --- hope they expire worthless