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Leaf Rumours

Why would we want Sopel anyway? The only reason I can see is that Burke and Nonis are very familiar with him. I don't think we really need another defenseman, we need someone who can fricken score.
i cant believe burke would say that about blake. when has burke ever been a guy who plays favorites? and why would he go to bat for such a completely self-interested, brooding individual? weird...i guess he has him penciled in for the u.s. olympic team.

and while on the subject, does anybody think that burke's decisions have been negatively influenced by his psoition as u.s.a. GM? it seems like a major conflict of interest as it is clear that many of his moves have involved catering to american born players and personel.
I'm still not convinced that sending Jason Blake to the minors is a good idea. There are several other moves I'd do ahead of that.

As for that trade suggestion, it sounds ridiculous enough that it has to be made up. However, considering some of the trades Burke has made already, anything is possible at this point.
Why would we want Sopel anyway? The only reason I can see is that Burke and Nonis are very familiar with him. I don't think we really need another defenseman, we need someone who can fricken score.

We don't want sopel - we want the draft pick.

This would be a deal just like Burke has mentioned before - taking on a bad contract just to get draft picks.

There is no chance Tlusty is involved in the deal as stated.
i cant believe burke would say that about blake. when has burke ever been a guy who plays favorites? and why would he go to bat for such a completely self-interested, brooding individual? weird...i guess he has him penciled in for the u.s. olympic team..

What he said was just the simple truth - Blake's the hardest working guy on the team.
We don't want sopel - we want the draft pick.

This would be a deal just like Burke has mentioned before - taking on a bad contract just to get draft picks.

There is no chance Tlusty is involved in the deal as stated.

didn't you also say there was no way he would dump kubina for crap, and no way he would sign komisarek? or was that ptbnl?

regardless, if i've learned anything about burke it's that i would never say there's 'no chance' of him making a certain move. because he's made a couple of real duds in his short time here.
Skating fast around the perimter and passing back to the point every ****ing time does not consitiuteas hard work in my books.

I would be impressed if he actually was creative down low but he makes the exact same move. He's getting as bad a Poni with his shots off the wing from the corner of the blueline
He's the smallest guy on the ice on most nights - thats why he looks like he works his tail off. He takes 2 strides to get to the same place it takes another guy just one.

Does he even get quality shots on goal anymore? I mean he's morphed into a pure perimeter player as Ive ever seen.
Blake should be embarrased to collect a pay cheque some nights. 4 million a year to skate around the edge of the rink is quite possibly the greatest living in the world
Blake works hard in puck pursuit. He regularly goes into the corners and often comes out with the puck. He gives defensemen all sots of trouble with his quickness on the perimeter, and unlike, say, Stempniak, doesn't always get checked off the puck while cycling near the hashmarks.

I would love to move Blake -- but the guy is a hard worker, a good forechecker and a pretty solid offensive player (he did, after all, top 60 points last year and is on pace for over 50 this year). Can't deny any of that stuff. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be moved if an opportunity comes along.

But, ignoring his contract, there is a handful of players I would move out before Blake, because he's flat out better than them.
Holy ****ing ****.

Tlusty for Sopel and a 2nd?????

Isn't the point of that trade to get us a pick for taking on a dump?

We'd be giving a recent former 1st rounder showing lots of promise to get a bad contract and a 2nd rounder??

**** it all to hell if that happens. Man, I am really starting to HATE Burke and Wilson.

Blake works hard in puck pursuit. He regularly goes into the corners and often comes out with the puck. He gives defensemen all sots of trouble with his quickness on the perimeter, and unlike, say, Stempniak, doesn't always get checked off the puck while cycling near the hashmarks.

I would love to move Blake -- but the guy is a hard worker, a good forechecker and a pretty solid offensive player (he did, after all, top 60 points last year and is on pace for over 50 this year). Can't deny any of that stuff. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be moved if an opportunity comes along.

But, ignoring his contract, there is a handful of players I would move out before Blake, because he's flat out better than them.

Couldn't agree more. Every game I watch I see this guy busting his hump trying to make things happen for forwards that don't position themselves to receive what he ready to offer.

Like Antropov, I think letting go of this guy, would be disastrous if something good was not going to replace him. I think he is a better version of Grabovski myself. Grabovski has a shot that couldn't scare the flies off a piece of shit.
didn't you also say there was no way he would dump kubina for crap, and no way he would sign komisarek? or was that ptbnl?

regardless, if i've learned anything about burke it's that i would never say there's 'no chance' of him making a certain move. because he's made a couple of real duds in his short time here.

Actually, the Kubina trade shows us Burke understands what a salary dump is, and should only make it clearer that Burke would never give up a top prospect for a salary dump.
Yeah, you can't develop hatred for people based on an unsubstantiated rumour.

The fact that it's even entered rumor world pisses me off.

And with some of the moves Burke and Co. have made, I wouldn't be completely surprised to see something like that, and then hear that there was no room here for Tlusty and they wanted him to get his shot elsewhere.

Not the first time we've seen Burke do nonsensical things in the name of some idiotic personal moral code he has.
'Oh, he's just so nice. We can't send a player whose nice down the minors.'

Where do you draw the line? Granted, Blake wouldn't be my first choice to demote, but you can't keep guys on the roster just because they try hard.

Agreed. The importance of effort tends to get negated when you suck as badly as Blake.