For those who care, the cliff notes from the Alberta budget put forward today
- Alberta public service to be cut 7.7% over 4 years
- yuuuge tax cuts (corporate rate is scaling down to 8%....8% that's into tax haven territory), so the debt is expected to his 93 billion by 22-23
- 760 univeristy jobs cut
- Freezing K-12 education until 2022 despite the system growing by 60,000 kids between now and then (who needs high school with all those good oil jobs, right?)
- 200 million dollar bump to health care funding, 100m to mental health another big chunk to combat the out of control opiod use out there
- Despite the increase in funding, a new hospital in south Edmonton is being delayed until...2030...a mental health ward at another major hospital is also being "deferred" (easier than just cancelling it now..)
- Cuts to the seniors drug program
- extra 5 bucks tax on a cartoon of darts
- 9% cut to municipal funding...that'll teach them for electing socialists and a brown guy at the muni level
- Post secondary tuition going up 7.4%
- Advanced education spending down 12.5%
- More funding for trades education.....
- Despite the cuts, spending is up because they're cancelling oil by rail contacts signed by the NDP, and there's a 1.5 billion dollar price tag for cancelling the contracts
Beleafer throws the term "neoliberal" around pretty loosely....but it's apt here, jesus titty fucking christ. Thank **** I moved.