I need to vent. This virus is really bringing out blue collar contempt for white collar people. It's something I've really noticed as I've gone from working blue collar jobs when I was young to a professional office job now. Definitely not all, but ALOT of blue collar people really seem to hate white collar folks.
Like the amount of people going on about "quit with the work from home talk. Those of us in the real world can't work from home we have to keep the economy moving. So why should office workers or the prime minister be able to?"
Maybe because we're trying to contain a deadly virus?
It's so odd. Most office job people I know really respect trades guys and the skills and smarts it takes to do those jobs, physical labour etc. and theres this insecurity or something on their side.
Like in the summer when there's a heat wave I'm not allowed to mention the heat because I work in the air conditioning while they work in the heat and humidity.
I don't remember forcing anyone's career on them. If you wanted air conditioning and work from home you chose wrong, so shut the **** up. I complain about my job too but I don't hate blue collar guys for their lack of forward head posture, vitamin d intake, and perks like being able to swear and tell offensive jokes at work.
Alright I feel better.