Well-known member
Wow. I had no idea that beauty pageant winners and male models made the best leaders. I should probably revisit my voting priorities and get a good look at everyone before I choose.Last night I was at the gym and was looking at the TV with the sound muted. They ran a series of photos of potential CPC leadership hopefuls and my first thought was that from a purely visual level, never mind what happens when any of these people actually open their mouths and begin to speak, these had to be among the most unappealing group of people I had ever seen. Some middle aged matron with buck teeth, another with a horse face, some guy in horn-rimmed glasses who looks like an incel. They make O'Toole look positively normal in comparison. And not one of them would stand a chance against Trudeau. The slickest looking of the bunch was Poilievre, who will lose the election as soon as he starts talking.
As for Kenney and Ford, neither one of them are electable in Quebec. Ford (unless I'm mistaken) doesn't speak French (and barely speaks English, for that matter) Kenney is bilingual and did part of his election night victory speech in French as an appeal to Quebec to team up and defeat the guy that both Albertan and Quebec separatists hate: Trudeau. It went over like a lead balloon. Quebeckers are never voting for an Albertan who's pro oil. Jamais.
I don't see how Trudeau can lose, quite frankly, as much as people dislike him.
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