Glad they finally isolated that so-called "logistics camp" or supply depot with saunas. Cut off access to gas and diesel and the idling of trucks will eventually stop.
What I would also do is erect a cordoned off area around Parliament Hill and all the roads leading to Wellington. Put up barricades and fences like they do for big events. Then shut down any and all retail businesses inside that cordon. Whenever a protester leaves the area to get food or take a piss, they aren't allowed back in. Eventually they will have to walk home. All parked vehicles inside the cordon get towed and impounded somewhere outside the city limits. Protesters who want to collect their vehicles can pay the impound fees on their way out of town before they get the keys.
That, and triple the price of gas and diesel within a 50 mile radius of the city.
And eventually when that class action lawsuit is brought forward, authorities will have names and addresses of people who were in attendance. Put em all in the poor house.