someone just send in kevin vickersIt would probably be a good idea to designate the Capital Region as its own separate thing, ala D.C. or the Australian Capital Territory. Policing should be handled by a special division of the RCMP, who have the resources to properly plan for this type of thing.
A local municipal police service funded by just the citizens of Ottawa just isn't going to cut it going forward as these types of things become more common.
It would probably be a good idea to designate the Capital Region as its own separate thing, ala D.C. or the Australian Capital Territory. Policing should be handled by a special division of the RCMP, who have the resources to properly train and plan for this type of thing.
A local municipal police service funded by the citizens of Ottawa just isn't going to cut it going forward as these types of things become more common.
I believe you could have the RCMP take over policing in Ottawa/the NCR without creating an entirely separate political entity/
Doesn’t that area already have its own security force?I'm sure that's going to be a discussion point. I don't think it would be easy to split off the whole city, but you could probably split off everything behind the Parliament hill gates, and them maybe set up Wellington itself as some sort of joint zone.
There has been talk for years about making Ottawa-Gatineau a national capital area like Washington DC but it’s been jut talk. No real push for it.
Should we be giving a bit of credit to the way the Feds and Provinces have handled the whole situation?
Ya maybe that works too, but you just worry about coordination between the City and RCMP. But either way something needs to change because this has exposed a huge national security risk in Ottawa.
City force would be disbanded.
Should be disbanded.
Their leadership chose this path, and it's 100% earned a replacement.