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New Canadian Politics Thread

A friend just asked me if it's true that the government can freeze people's bank accounts if they donated more than $25 to the convoy. This is obviously absurd, but it's spreading all over social media like a forest fire of disinformation.

Anyone know what the gov't actually said about this?

Well, the second post in that guy’s thread is a picture of Freeland and Trudeau with George Soros. So it’s another antisemitic lie. Blocked him. Don’t need to see that type of shit.

Will be interesting to see if PP or any other prominent politicians or commentators start making this same claim.

Different topic but I think worthy of discussions as well: Australians have already started talking about their ties with the monarchy.

Canadians should too.

They should. In reality they should have cut those ties a long time ago but Liz is well respected. But once she's gone the monarchy is essentially over. It will no longer have the gravitas needed to keep it going. Nobody is going to take any of the other royals seriously. It's a joke to contemplate seeing Charle's ugly mug, or eventually William's on our $20 bill. Once Liz goes, the entire institution is exposed for the Mickey Mouse organization it actually is. The Brits might be stuck with it, but we're under no such obligation.
Not going to happen in Canada anytime soon. Not when it requires a messy re-opening of the Canadian constitution in a time of political polarization and when near unanimous assent across the country would be required.

And not when whether or not the monarchy remains in place in Canada really has no functional impact on the lives of Canadians, and when most Canadians could probably care less either way.
Just don't ask Canadian taxpayers to pay for the King or Queen to come visit.
The oic outlines content of a proclamation. What does the proclamation say?

Is contained in 3 different regulations, because the government is the worst at drafting:

Emergency Measures Economic Order (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors22-eng.html)
designated person means any individual or entity that is engaged, directly or indirectly, in an activity prohibited by sections 2 to 5 of the Emergency Measures Regulations. (personne désignée)

Duty to cease dealings

2 (1)
Any entity set out in section 3 must, upon the coming into force of this Order, cease

  • (a) dealing in any property, wherever situated, that is owned, held or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a designated person or by a person acting on behalf of or at the direction of that designated person;
  • (b) facilitating any transaction related to a dealing referred to in paragraph (a);
  • (c) making available any property, including funds or virtual currency, to or for the benefit of a designated person or to a person acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated person; or
  • (d) providing any financial or related services to or for the benefit of any designated person or acquire any such services from or for the benefit of any such person or entity.

Emergency Measures Regulation (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors21-eng.html)

2 (1) A person must not participate in a public assembly that may reasonably be expected to lead to a breach of the peace by:

  • (a) the serious disruption of the movement of persons or goods or the serious interference with trade;
  • (b) the interference with the functioning of critical infrastructure; or
  • (c) the support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property.

  • 3 (1) A foreign national must not enter Canada with the intent to participate in or facilitate an assembly referred to in subsection 2(1).
  • 4 (1)A person must not travel to or within an area where an assembly referred to in subsection 2(1) is taking place.

    5 A person must not, directly or indirectly, use, collect, provide make available or invite a person to provide property to facilitate or participate in any assembly referred to in subsection 2(1) or for the purpose of benefiting any person who is facilitating or participating in such an activity.

And don't worry there are exceptions for Natives.

So it only meant to apply to participants in "serious" blockades of people, goods or trade (e.g. borders), interference with critical infrastructure, or using violence. Definitely not people who only made online donations, other than extending fintrac reporting obligations.

It was a terrible explanation of the rule. Politicians should just shut up most of the time.

Some donors provided their work email addresses - DOJ, NASA, US Military, Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Any Canadian civil servants on that list may as well start polishing their resumes right now because they don't work for the federal government anymore. And they can kiss their pensions buh-bye too. They swore an oath that has legal weight to it.
Link to convoy donor list

I still can't find where you can actually download the entire list.

I want the ones with something to lose to lose things.
Is contained in 3 different regulations, because the government is the worst at drafting:

Emergency Measures Economic Order (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors22-eng.html)

Emergency Measures Regulation (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors21-eng.html)

And don't worry there are exceptions for Natives.

So it only meant to apply to participants in "serious" blockades of people, goods or trade (e.g. borders), interference with critical infrastructure, or using violence. Definitely not people who only made online donations, other than extending fintrac reporting obligations.

It was a terrible explanation of the rule. Politicians should just shut up most of the time.
So basically, act like a terrorist and the law will treat you like one.
Is contained in 3 different regulations, because the government is the worst at drafting:

Emergency Measures Economic Order (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors22-eng.html)

Emergency Measures Regulation (https://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-02-15-x1/html/sor-dors21-eng.html)

And don't worry there are exceptions for Natives.

So it only meant to apply to participants in "serious" blockades of people, goods or trade (e.g. borders), interference with critical infrastructure, or using violence. Definitely not people who only made online donations, other than extending fintrac reporting obligations.

It was a terrible explanation of the rule. Politicians should just shut up most of the time.
honestly I'm not sure if Freeland's explanation was actually intended to be accurate.

but yes, politicians suck at nuance and overlook key details all the time.
Big scope - the gov't doesn't like that nationalist groups can suddenly and freely raise millions for any purpose, this is dangerous period. Treating crowdfunders like banks, when it comes to possible money laundering and terrorist funding (I'm not calling them terrorists, but that is one of the functions of FINTRAC) just makes sense.

For the truckers - this is a warning, and hopefully most get the message and move along. The next step is clearly to start clearing them out with force.
honestly we look like complete pussies for not clearing these idiots out.

Yeah, just a complete and utter humiliation on the world stage.

And if the end result of this emergency declaration is that these inbred shitstains are still occupying Ottawa and blocking border crossings by this coming weekend or into next week, the government will have shown their hand and demonstrated that they have no force to back up their legal authority.
Well, the second post in that guy’s thread is a picture of Freeland and Trudeau with George Soros. So it’s another antisemitic lie. Blocked him. Don’t need to see that type of shit.

Will be interesting to see if PP or any other prominent politicians or commentators start making this same claim.
That's guy's timeline is filled with garbage. I just picked a random example about the $25 claim from many different accounts whining about it.

Could be a made-up rumour started by a troll farm and spread by morons. But it's specific enough that I wanted to find out what it's referring to.
Anyone know where they’re getting $25 specifically because I see it getting repeated by unverified pro-convoy accounts consistently but no verified accounts at all?
Yeah, just a complete and utter humiliation on the world stage.

And if the end result of this emergency declaration is that these inbred shitstains are still occupying Ottawa and blocking border crossings by this coming weekend or into next week, the government will have shown their hand and demonstrated that they have no force to back up their legal authority.
Yep, and that’s a pretty dangerous weakness to show. It will be exploited by even more nefarious actors.
Yeah like I’m sure djt jr wouldn’t be screaming for the military to save him if a bunch of cranks sat outside mar a lago in their cars honking their horns all night long for 2 weeks straight.
Anyone know where they’re getting $25 specifically because I see it getting repeated by unverified pro-convoy accounts consistently but no verified accounts at all?
I assume like most things, either it was picked out of thing air, or else whoever first mentioned it googled something relating to fintrac and saw 25$ listed there on some unrelated piece. I know 25$ is roughly the limit for political contributions where you don't need to report who it was donated by, so could be confused with that too.