Well-known member
The NDP & Liberals both deserve a lot of blame.
Howarth is a lacklustre & uninspiring leader who's already had almost a decade at the helm of that party, and before the last election had already had two kicks at the can as the NDP leader in general elections. In those elections, she was also going up against a deeply unpopular incumbent Liberal government, and PC leaders (Tory & Hudak) who raised shooting themselves in the foot into an art form.
Yet all she managed to do was win 17 seats in their first election, and then bump that up to 21 seats after forcing the 2014 election, with the side-effect that the NDP lost the balance of power they'd held in what was previously a minority parliament, and handed a majority government back to Wynne and the Liberals.
As for the Liberals, who really cares that Wynne was popular inside the party? It was screamingly obvious that outside of the Ontario Liberal Party bubble, the only way they had the slightest chance in the 2018 election was to replace Wynne and the senior leadership of the party with people who had no connection to the Wynne/McGuinty years.
Instead, out of hubris, they went ahead with the old crew and predictably got annihilated to below official party status at the polls, and Ontario got saddled with Premier Doug Ford.
It was either hubris or a massive lack of self awareness. In the end though, they had to have known the end was near with Wynne, and replaced her and everyone associated with McGuinty. Baring that, during the election, when they really must have known, they should have told their supporters to not vote for them, for the good of the Province. When it comes down to it, they are ideologically closer to the NDP than the Conservatives, and for the good of their priorities and what they did accomplish, the NDP would preserve more of it than the PCs would. internally, their polling probably showed how in tough the NDP were, and would need every left leaning voter they could find, if only to hold the PCs to a minority government.
Instead they doubled down and told their voters that they weren`t going to win and they should vote for the Liberals to try and get a minority government. In the end, the difference in the popular vote was 400 thousand between the NDP and the PCs, with 1.1 voters, 1 in 5, voting liberal. The liberals doubled down on the left vote split, in a vain attempt to save their party, allowing Ford to get a 62 percent of the seats with 40 percent of the popular vote.
Ford is a disaster in the making, people don`t like him and his policies, but the reason he`s in the position he`s in is because the Liberal Party did everything wrong, from before the election was even called to the final days of it, either because of hubris or a massive lack of self awareness.