Well-known member
I think it's kind of similar to the lifespan the Ontario Liberals enjoyed.Adscam was tiny (monetarily) and didn't blow over. Harper had a pile of scandals blow over (in & out, bernier leaving classified files at his girlfriends place...a woman with heavy ties to quebec bikers, Afghan detainees handed over knowingly for torture..and Harper refusing to turn over documents pertaining to what was known about the issue, then proroguing parliament to avoid parliamentary investigations into the incident). It's weird considering the one that didn't blow over (his senate appointees playing fast and loose with expenses) was easily the most minor of the Harper scandals.
Canadians are weird that way.
It's hard for a single scandal to take down a government, especially if the government won't play ball with the opposition and agree that it's a scandal, like Paul Martin did with adscam.
But when a government accumulates a large enough number of scandals over a large enough period of time, that does finally seem to register with the electorate, and gets then to develop enough fatigue with the governing party that they'll vote in whatever warm body looks to have the best shot at "throwing the bums out".
That phenomenon is what Justin Trudeau & Doug Ford owe their current jobs to, IMO.