maybe Canadian women will step up and save us. then again, that was my hope for America, too.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump and his admin start beating this drum constantly until our election. They know being connected to or endorsed by Trump is toxic in Canada, so start saying you'd rather it was Carney to try to get your actual man in PeePee.
Carney is going to have navigate this carefully. Snubbing Trump to start his PM tour is a good start.
maybe Canadian women will step up and save us. then again, that was my hope for America, too.
PPC picking up all the Maple Magas and becoming a legit party would be perfect. Split the right, Liberals absorb the carcass of the NDP, nut bag right gives up political influence for a generation.
Although something about the PPC becoming a legit party makes me a tad anxious.
If I had to bet, I'm going to say that Carney's strategy with Trump is to 8 mile him. He's going to take everything Trump has been saying about us, and address them before ever speaking to him. The lies and bullshit are always based off of a small kernel of truth. Oh, we sell too much to America? Cool, we've agreed to start selling more to everyone else so we can reduce our exports in your direction. We can't defend ourselves from China and Russia in the arctic? Cool, we're increasing defence spending with a focus on the arctic and deepened ties with other militaries so that it's not on America to help protect us. Fentanyl? Yeah, I agree that it's a weapon of mass destruction (lol) and we've beefed up policing efforts against it's manufacture and transportation here in the country.
The Liberals should have been funneling dark money toward the PPC in riding with tight races between the CPC and Liberals to split the vote.PPC picking up all the Maple Magas and becoming a legit party would be perfect. Split the right, Liberals absorb the carcass of the NDP, nut bag right gives up political influence for a generation.
Although something about the PPC becoming a legit party makes me a tad anxious.
would be a nice change, yahI'm looking forward to when some reporters realize that in the new world order they don't need to just stenograph - that when Rubio says something like he said, they can just ask him straight out if he realizes he's declaring war on us.