Still need to get some of these issues resolved. Let me know if I am forgetting anything.
Top-Up Rule: Decided.
League Constitution: I have access to the league constitution for another dynasty league. Over the next couple of weeks (ie. when I have some time) I will take a long look at it and work on one for our league. Will need some help when we get to that point.
The Draft: We'll get the ball rolling shortly after the NHL Draft. Still need an official start date. We also need to figure out the lottery odds, and how the lotto will be handled. Still need suggestions here.
JCY's 1st Round Pick: Very few options have been suggested. The pick was traded with "lottery protection", which at the time was Bottom 5, and is now Bottom 8. I think the best and really only viable option is one that was suggested previously. The pick will initially receive full lottery protection. If JCY's team finishes in the bottom 8, the pick has a shot at the lottery for him. If it wins, it wins. However, if it does not win, the pick will remain JCY's if it is a Top 5 pick. If it finishes from 6-8, it would be available for Soco to swap. Hopefully this solution covers all the bases, let me know if it does not.
Anything I'm forgetting?