Minten, Kampf, Niemela, and a 1st. What could that land us?
And McDavid eases into the Keefe Kampf works.McDavid
Fight me.
Minten, Kampf, Niemela, and a 1st. What could that land us?
Media will claim Tanev maybe.Minten, Kampf, Niemela, and a 1st. What could that land us?
Kaitlyn or Boone?Niemela + Miettenin + 1st for Jenner
And a baked potato no seasoning for dessert.getting horny about the idea of Jenner btw.
both Boone and Kaitlyn.
Every year the Leafs should get a C comparable or better than Tavares to cause a meltdown on this boardLast 3yrs, Even Strength
Tavares: 206gms, 17gl/46pt pace
Jenner: 162gms, 22gl/42pt pace