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Office Space - The office b*itch thread

You didn't know? We're buds now, go to all the convoys together. Throw things at immigrants together. Good times.
When people say shit like this here, I mean when serious, I look at them and say "I'm an immigrant". Love the reactions.

"You know what I mean"

No, I really don't
When people say shit like this here, I mean when serious, I look at them and say "I'm an immigrant". Love the reactions.

"You know what I mean"

No, I really don't

Used to get weird looks in the patch when I would mention that I was (at the time) engaged to an immigrant when the "jokes" got going. Apparently I was supposed tobe be racist with them despite my dick obviously not being racist.
Used to get weird looks in the patch when I would mention that I was (at the time) engaged to an immigrant when the "jokes" got going. Apparently I was supposed tobe be racist with them despite my dick obviously not being racist.
Did you also remind them about how your bff is black?
Thing is, he doesn't look it so no one believes me when I tell them that yes, he's 100% black.

Easier to claim the mexican wife that doesn't look mexican.
If they don’t believe you, you can always direct them here.
I walk 20 mins each way. Get some exercise, crush a podcast. Could bike in less. I very much enjoy my walk.

Totally get the commute issue though, when I last lived in Toronto I was at 45-50 mins each way. Part of the charm of the east coast.
My office is a 10 minute drive from home. Part of the (charm?) of living in Edmonton.
Yeah, this is really it for me. Even if my commute was a 20 minute walk through an enchanted forest right beside an ocean with a perpetual fiery sunset, I’d still prefer working at home over heading to an office.

My set-up at home is just better. I can always have fresh home-cooked meals during my lunch break instead of packed lunches or shitty fast food. During down moments, I can get some housework done (or have laundry going or something either bubbling on the stove or cooking in the oven). I don’t get interrupted as often. If it’s a nice day, I can go with my laptop and sit out in the yard. Having the dog hanging around with me all day is also no small benefit.

I’m also not one of those people that craves face-to-face social interaction at the office. I get my fill of that when getting together with my actual friends and my family during evenings during the week or on weekends. And I have more energy and desire to do that too when I’m not spending 40 hours a week around people at an office.
On weekends my wife makes all my breakfasts and lunches for the week so I don't have to go the fast food drive-thru route. I have a 30oz. travel mug for my morning Lavazza. I don't go near the office coffee pot.
Used to get weird looks in the patch when I would mention that I was (at the time) engaged to an immigrant when the "jokes" got going. Apparently I was supposed tobe be racist with them despite my dick obviously not being racist.
Just remind them that their hero Poilievre married (or purchased?) an immigrant.
On weekends my wife makes all my breakfasts and lunches for the week so I don't have to go the fast food drive-thru route. I have a 30oz. travel mug for my morning Lavazza. I don't go near the office coffee pot.
On Sundays I make our lunches for the week. Vegan split pea soup this week. With fresh local bread from a bakery on my walk in.
Yeah, I’ll often make nice pre-prepared lunches for work too. Either on the weekend or the evening before the next work day.

But under no circumstance is that ever better than being able to make a fresh meal at home during my lunch hour and then eating it right away, instead of re-heating a packed lunch in the toaster oven or microwave at work.

The time spent preparing those packed lunches is also yet more free time down the drain, vs just using your work lunch hour to prepare the food.
I guess it’s basically a dal. Which is fine.

But pea soup without pork … my French Canadian side views this to be the same as dividing by zero. Undefined. It is not a feasible set in the universe.

Pig must die.
Pig must not exist, and if it does, definitely not as food.