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Office Space - The office b*itch thread

Are you trying to say that there's pork product in the char-grilled chicken?

Or that the chickens eat pork products?
Are you trying to say that there's pork product in the char-grilled chicken?

Or that the chickens eat pork products?

No. I'm saying that any argument about pigs being filthy, when viewed in the modern context, needs to also be applied to chickens. If you're buying factory farmed chicken, they live in pretty filthy conditions, regularly cannibalize each other when not separated and on the lowest end of the quality scale, basically live in their own shit until they're processed. Where do you think Harvey's sources their chucken from?
all my jewish homies love bacon...get with the times


One of my first jobs was at a video store in Thornhill. Out of a dozen or so employees, I was usually the only goyim who worked there.

Our only two fast food options nearby at the time, unfortunately, were Subway & Tim Horton’s. And all my co-workers always asked for double or triple bacon on their subs/sandwiches when we did lunch runs.
I've never had a jewish friend who didn't love bacon.

Most of my muslim friends as well, though they would never eat it in the presence of another muslim...but around white people? Absolutely.
Wild boar is hard to find all of a sudden due to some recent Ontario regulation. But I found a source last night at a cocktail party. True story -- he's a jewish fella.
What does Vegan split pea soup even mean?...was the breakup amicable?
basically, no ham. otherwise it's a normal split pea soup.

I'll often use our homemade stock instead of the veggie stock the recipe calls for too, making it not so vegan. We just happen to be out of homemade stock this time, need to buy and cook another bird.
I guess it’s basically a dal. Which is fine.

But pea soup without pork … my French Canadian side views this to be the same as dividing by zero. Undefined. It is not a feasible set in the universe.

Pig must die.
nah it's definitely soupy. we have a collection of dal recipes we make too and this is quite distinct from those.

my mom also made a pork-free split pea soup when we were kids, but for different reasons. also soupy.
Your food takes really are the worst.

It really feels like someone with my sense of humour wrote your holy books just to try and keep the price of bacon reasonable.
bacon price has gone up like 50% over the past couple years at my local butcher. not enough Jews in Halifax.
No. I'm saying that any argument about pigs being filthy, when viewed in the modern context, needs to also be applied to chickens. If you're buying factory farmed chicken, they live in pretty filthy conditions, regularly cannibalize each other when not separated and on the lowest end of the quality scale, basically live in their own shit until they're processed. Where do you think Harvey's sources their chucken from?
they literally live in and among each other's shit. it's disgusting.
I've never had a jewish friend who didn't love bacon.

Most of my muslim friends as well, though they would never eat it in the presence of another muslim...but around white people? Absolutely.
a couple of my homies growing up were the purist 'never eat pork' types. a few of them stuck with it, surprisingly. but as a general rule, Jews love bacon more than most.
they literally live in and among each other's shit. it's disgusting.

I get where the bronze age logic comes from. Pigs are fairly large animals, need to be confined to relatively small pens for animal husbandry purposes and when in that environment are pretty filthy comparatively. Chickens appear to be much cleaner, but that's largely a function of the amount of space per bird they're given to live in using traditional methods. They're generally given a large day pen to roam around in, eat feed and available insects when left to their own devices and then sleep in a night pen....a pen which any chicken farmer will tell you is fucking toxic inside if not cleaned regularly.

What it really comes down to is that cleanliness of any animal comes down to how much living space it's given by our farming practices. Wild pigs are quite clean by animal standards.

But the bronze age logic doesn't really apply with how modern farming methods have changed meat production.
I get where the bronze age logic comes from. Pigs are fairly large animals, need to be confined to relatively small pens for animal husbandry purposes and when in that environment are pretty filthy comparatively. Chickens appear to be much cleaner, but that's largely a function of the amount of space per bird they're given to live in using traditional methods. They're generally given a large day pen to roam around in, eat feed and available insects when left to their own devices and then sleep in a night pen....a pen which any chicken farmer will tell you is fucking toxic inside if not cleaned regularly.

What it really comes down to is that cleanliness of any animal comes down to how much living space it's given by our farming practices. Wild pigs are quite clean by animal standards.

But the bronze age logic doesn't really apply with how modern farming methods have changed meat production.
yeah to me the far more compelling argument re: pigs is based on how fucking intelligent they are. they're actually quite clean as animals go.