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Office Space - The office b*itch thread

No, but it looks disgusting to me. I would never want to ingest that.
you would have to get over your aversion to animal fat to enjoy, but holy fuck, there's just nothing like bacon.

when you cook it perfectly, it practically melts in your mouth like candy. in fact the jowl bacon I get, I refer to it as meat candy for that reason.

but I mean you could start real simple with something like a BLT and prepare for your mind to be blown.
which pigs do you know that do this?

pigs are hygienic!
I can't name names.

But come on. This is known. Endless hits, first one: Do Pigs Eat Their Own Poop? What You Need to Know! | Pet Keen

To answer the question in a single word, yes, pigs eat their own poop. Not just their own poop, either. Pigs will eat the poop of just about any creature if they’re hungry enough. It might seem gross to us, but to a pig, this is relatively normal. They aren’t the only creatures who eat their poop; they just got the spotlight because they’re often associated with dirty, smelly habits, and this habit is the pinnacle for some people. Keep on reading to find out why pigs eat their poop!
I can't partake in he no octopus thing. I like it as much as a good steak so it's too much of a sacrifice for me to not ingest.
so, and I'm just trying to understand the LOF food rules here, if I have it right, you don't keep fully kosher (i.e. willingness to mix milk and meat), but you fully avoid pigs?

other than the debunked hygiene reasons, is there a rationale for the anti-pig stance?

do you eat shellfish?
Oh I don't keep kosher at all. I eat out, don't really eat anything that is kosher unless I'm at a thing where that's all there is.

The limitations are just from habit formed over many years and having no interest in changing it to add unhealthy options to the diet. There's nothing good about pig or shellfish to want to eat it. They both look disgusting, and I don't like the taste either. While my mom always liked shrimp (so out of character for her), I always thought the texture was gross. Lobster literally looks like a massive cockroach that learned how to swim. And crawfish is like the trash of the ocean floor, so I'll never get that. I'm not quite sure how swordfish made the shit list, just its eating habits presumably, but that seems like just any ole type of other fish to me.

As an adult, I have plenty of great food options to not have to eat the king of the shiteaters or bottom feeding ocean critters. That said, I will sometimes have sushi rolls that have lobster or shrimp in them, but not because I order them, just because they're there and not bad in that form, and I can't just eat up all the other stuff in the spirit of sushi sharing.
you would have to get over your aversion to animal fat to enjoy, but holy fuck, there's just nothing like bacon.

when you cook it perfectly, it practically melts in your mouth like candy. in fact the jowl bacon I get, I refer to it as meat candy for that reason.

but I mean you could start real simple with something like a BLT and prepare for your mind to be blown.
Nah, this is something that I'm never going to take on in this lifetime.

I don't like fatty things. I like lean, clean stuff, unless I dumpster dive at a fast food place once in a while (and even then, In n Out is really just fast food because of the speed, not the quality, and I only get the fish from McD and the chicken from the King - that's all I'll have, and only every once in a while). So, from the visual standpoint, the mental standpoint - no allure to me. And then from the health standpoint, no justification. There's nothing that the taste could do to offset those things for me.
I can't name names.

But come on. This is known. Endless hits, first one: Do Pigs Eat Their Own Poop? What You Need to Know! | Pet Keen

To answer the question in a single word, yes, pigs eat their own poop. Not just their own poop, either. Pigs will eat the poop of just about any creature if they’re hungry enough. It might seem gross to us, but to a pig, this is relatively normal. They aren’t the only creatures who eat their poop; they just got the spotlight because they’re often associated with dirty, smelly habits, and this habit is the pinnacle for some people. Keep on reading to find out why pigs eat their poop!
from that article:

Eating one’s own feces is common in the animal kingdom and has a biological basis in digestion. Almost everyone has been in a situation, at least once, where they’ve passed seemingly undigested food. Corn is a common culprit of this for humans.

Pigs experience this as well, and the only difference is that they’ll re-consume the food to give their stomachs a second chance to digest the feed. Since their stomach acids may have already partially broken down the undigested material, a second pass through the digestive tract can allow them to extract nutrients they didn’t get the first time.

Another reason that pigs might be found eating their feces is that they’re hungry. It doesn’t get much deeper than that. If you find it offensive, consider feeding your pig more to see if they’re being underfed. A pig whose stomach is full won’t go for a pile of poop; it’s not their preferred food. If they have other options available, that will be the first thing they eat.

if you were starving and your only option was poop, what do you think you would do?
The filetofish is very good. Nothing on it though, no cheese or tartar sauce. It's light, not made of a ton of garbage like the other menu items, and is the least guilty thing to order there. I like their burgers but I haven't had one in probably 15 years, no sense in it since In N Out massacres it.
Oh I don't keep kosher at all. I eat out, don't really eat anything that is kosher unless I'm at a thing where that's all there is.

The limitations are just from habit formed over many years and having no interest in changing it to add unhealthy options to the diet. There's nothing good about pig or shellfish to want to eat it. They both look disgusting, and I don't like the taste either. While my mom always liked shrimp (so out of character for her), I always thought the texture was gross. Lobster literally looks like a massive cockroach that learned how to swim. And crawfish is like the trash of the ocean floor, so I'll never get that. I'm not quite sure how swordfish made the shit list, just its eating habits presumably, but that seems like just any ole type of other fish to me.

As an adult, I have plenty of great food options to not have to eat the king of the shiteaters or bottom feeding ocean critters. That said, I will sometimes have sushi rolls that have lobster or shrimp in them, but not because I order them, just because they're there and not bad in that form, and I can't just eat up all the other stuff in the spirit of sushi sharing.
fair enough. seafood is fuckin delicious though. raw scallop is one of my all-time favourites.
fair enough. seafood is fuckin delicious though. raw scallop is one of my all-time favourites.
I go to this sushi place next door for quick lunches often, and they have this 4 handrolls deal that comes with scallop, but I substitute it out for salmon. One time they left it in, and I didn't realize, till I took a bite and was just ugh. Not a fan at all.
I go to this sushi place next door for quick lunches often, and they have this 4 handrolls deal that comes with scallop, but I substitute it out for salmon. One time they left it in, and I didn't realize, till I took a bite and was just ugh. Not a fan at all.
I accept that our mouths and taste buds have different preferences.