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OT: American Politics

Citizens is government sponsored insurance used by those that can't get insured on their place. They've always been the most expensive insurance company for homes.
Hilarious if true. Barron has largely stayed out of the news so it seemed possible he's not a scumbag like the rest of the family. But then again he's a Trump, so of course he'd be out there running a crypto scam and introducing Andrew Tate to Martin Shkreli.

When both of your parents are soulless pieces of shit and you grow up in a cocoon of wealth, privilege & rampant grifting, there's not much chance of the shit apple falling all that far from the shit tree.
That means Biden is up 6-7

The youth vote is kinda weird this year. Not sure if it will hold that the polls are as far off as we assume. The lefties are brainwashed over the Middle East going into the election - info wars is a big win for the terrorist group. They don’t seem to realize that they are gonna pick the guy who will happily nuke Palestine and beyond - cause why not?