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OT: American Politics

It's not just the Mexicans. Cubans, DR, Haitians alike dislike it.

I get that people need to do what they do to survive, you just can't condemn derision from those that followed the rules. Life doesn't work like that mate.
It's not just the Mexicans. Cubans, DR, Haitians alike dislike it.

At root, it's the same issue of classism. Especially in countries with worse wealth inequality, worse economic mobility, etc.

I get that people need to do what they do to survive, you just can't condemn derision from those that followed the rules. Life doesn't work like that mate.

Sure I can. The derision is massively misplaced. The illegal immigrants simply aren't receiving similar treatment or lifestyle as the legal immigrant. Don't have access to the same economic opportunities, etc. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy your new life.

The benefits of legal immigration are already baked into their experiences and they're still mad at their countrymen who aren't treated the same by virtue of not being able to immigrate legally, mostly for reasons already mentioned.
Having experienced this, I can tell you that nobody will care of your derision. You make it sound like it's easy coming here legally, it is not. So you're going to deride people that think it's bullshit?

Ok mate, see how that flies here.
Having experienced this, I can tell you that nobody will care of your derision.

and illegals don't give a shit about legals not liking how they showed up. Circle of life Simba. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone's else opinion at the end of the day as long as they get theirs.

You make it sound like it's easy coming here legally, it is not.

I actually just said the exact opposite. That it was extremely challenging and can only be done by a small subset of the people from the origin nations.

So you're going to deride people that think it's bullshit?

Yes. The people they're mad at simply don't get the same experiences and opportunites they get. They've already won. Shut the fuck up and let other people scrape out what they can, it doesn't have significant affect on the legal immigrants experience beyond giving people who were already anti immigrant a bit more reason to dislike you from the jump.

Illegal immigrants don't get the same advantages (for obvious reasons, and rightfully so) as legal immigrants. They don't have access to the same job opportunites, housing options, health care, security, etc, etc, etc. There's nothing for legal immigrants to be mad about. The existence of illegal immigrants doesn't cheapen their experience as a legal immigrant in the fucking least.
So why exactly should illegal immigrants get the same advantages? Laws don't matter is the only answer.

If you're hanging your hat on some moral stance? Just /thread
I know they don't and they shouldn't. If I illegally emigrated to a country I would have zero expectations of government help. Pretty sure most would. So when the USA does it (Canada is more strict on immigration btw) there's derision. Rinse repeat.

I was born behind the iron curtain and I worked my ass off. Lived in several countries and seen the systems.

Hypocrites to the last.

Why is it anyone else's fault that you were born in shitholes. Blame your parents.

Might be morally reprehensible but that's life. Step out of the shelter once in awhile.
I know they don't and they shouldn't. If I illegally emigrated to a country I would have zero expectations of government help.

But they don't have expectation of government help....

These are people crossing the border illegally to largely do the labour jobs that are left unfilled in the job market because outdoor work is hard AF.
So when the USA does it (Canada is more strict on immigration btw) there's derision.

I've never said there isn't derision. I've said it's misplaced, and it is.

I was born behind the iron curtain and I worked my ass off. Lived in several countries and seen the systems.

Illegal immigrants to the US also work their asses off to survive in the US.

Why is it anyone else's fault that you were born in shitholes. Blame your parents.

But they're not blaming anyone else, just they're just taking significant personal risks and crossing a border to live as a permanent member of an underclass to try to make their life better.
But they don't have expectation of government help....

These are people crossing the border illegally to largely do the labour jobs that are left unfilled in the job market because outdoor work is hard AF.

I've never said there isn't derision. I've said it's misplaced, and it is.

Illegal immigrants to the US also work their asses off to survive in the US.

But they're not blaming anyone else, just they're just taking significant personal risks and crossing a border to live as a permanent member of an underclass to try to make their life better.
And why should they be rewarded for that risk? Legally speaking.
And you're wrong, they do have expectations. Like everything some don't and some do. Anyway, nothing is changing anytime soon and I'm getting older and I think I'll just fuck off somewhere where people are different.
And why should they be rewarded for that risk? Legally speaking.

Legally speaking, they're not rewarded beyond some super basic shit like hospitals not allowing you to bleed to death on the doorstep and shit.

Illegal immigrants are a permanent underclass with minimal legal protections. Nothing remotely on par with legal immigrants or natty borns.
It's not just the Mexicans. Cubans, DR, Haitians alike dislike it.

I get that people need to do what they do to survive, you just can't condemn derision from those that followed the rules. Life doesn't work like that mate.
Nobody sitting in a line wants somebody to cut in front of them, and on the roadways?
Good luck