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OT: American Politics

My uninformed prediction is some standard of immunity for official acts and remand to the lower court to decide which parts of the insurrection fall into the official acts category.

I say this as someone with decent exposure to Mexican culture for a guero. I read Mexican news, have Mexican family I'm in regular contact with, plan to move there in about 2 years, etc, etc, etc.


The "typical" Mexican opinion on immigration is massively hypocritical. They fucking hate their migration problem from Central America while generally supporting migration to the US by whatever means. Additionally, once a Mexican has arrived in their new homeland (whether there legally or illegally) they immediately want to pull the ladder up behind them if it's not a family member or friend coming across.

"Fuck you, I got mine" is an unfortunately common philosophy.
Oh, and they also blame white expats (which is a fancy name we made up to not feel icky about being an immigrant ourselves) for their rising home prices. Mexico City specifically is pretty shitty towards expats, digital nomads, etc.
I say this as someone with decent exposure to Mexican culture for a guero. I read Mexican news, have Mexican family I'm in regular contact with, plan to move there in about 2 years, etc, etc, etc.


The "typical" Mexican opinion on immigration is massively hypocritical. They fucking hate their migration problem from Central America while generally supporting migration to the US by whatever means. Additionally, once a Mexican has arrived in their new homeland (whether there legally or illegally) they immediately want to pull the ladder up behind them if it's not a family member or friend coming across.

"Fuck you, I got mine" is an unfortunately common philosophy.

not just Mexicans....most of the "too many immigrants" people I talk to are one generation removed from that status

sadly, for many, once they receive a certain status (whether it's immigration, wealth, etc) they turn their attention to shutting the door behind them
Issue with those is how they got here though. I know a lot of immigrants that did it through the system, those people aren't too fond of the border jumpers. They went through the long process only to have others get the same thing for no money and only the hassle of getting here.

Why should people do it legally if this is the result? I know a guy that came up from Guatemala last year. Had his work papers in 60 days.

Yeah try that from a non Latin country.

There's a lot of nuance to this issue.
I know a lot of immigrants that did it through the system, those people aren't too fond of the border jumpers. They went through the long process only to have others get the same thing for no money and only the hassle of getting here.

This is largely economic though and comes down to class separation in Mexico. Immigrants who do it the right way are largely educated, middle (or higher) class economically. "Border jumpers" are generally poorer Mexicans who the underground US economy is a huge step up in life for.
The only Mexicans who can "do it the right way" are people who have employment specialties needed in the US, or family connections to someone who does.

This is just the newest way for more well off Mexicans to look down at poorer Mexicans imo.