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OT: American Politics

Sorry, folks, got busy with life and the little one.

Last night was a riot. How hilarious. A lot of moments of dullness, but the funny parts were truly hysterical.

To be frank, I think the only reason Biden's handlers allowed him to participate is to enact public support/calls for a different candidate.

Who, TRULY, has been running the USA??? That is the question everyone should be asking this morning.
nobody over 70 should hold the job. it's too important and too high-stress. look how it has aged much younger men to see how high.

The thing I’ve kept harping on is that even if Biden seemed to be 100% A-ok right now, at his age extreme mental and physical decline can come at you out of nowhere and hit very hard and fast.

I’ve seen it myself over and over again with family friends & family. Strong, vital, independent seniors who regressed in the space of months to empty, confused husks of their former selves.

So the fact that Biden is already having these issues NOW should be a bright red flashing warning sign with an air raid siren attached.
Sorry, folks, got busy with life and the little one.

Last night was a riot. How hilarious. A lot of moments of dullness, but the funny parts were truly hysterical.

To be frank, I think the only reason Biden's handlers allowed him to participate is to enact public support/calls for a different candidate.

Who, TRULY, has been running the USA??? That is the question everyone should be asking this morning.

Just about anyone but that orange cocksucker would be fine.
CH1 got it right I think. Over prepped. They tried to get him to memorize a bunch of shit and it all got jumbled up in his brain. Perfect example of this:

View: https://x.com/MattBruenig/status/1806524888917672361?t=_lLxF89rIVSdYhmtVMLdtQ&s=19

his inability to clearly articulate... much of anything is definitely concerning.

ultimately, he's still way preferable to dotard, obviously. but politics is about optics and optically last night was a complete and total unmitigated disaster for Biden.
his inability to clearly articulate... much of anything is definitely concerning.

ultimately, he's still way preferable to dotard, obviously. but politics is about optics and optically last night was a complete and total unmitigated disaster for Biden.
And despite the hoopla about it at the time, I thought he was sharp as shit 4 years ago. The cognitive decline has been rapid and quite alarming. Not particularly surprising for someone his age but definitely concerning considering the stakes.

this decision amounts to a judicial coup in America. completely bonkers for these originalist assholes.

this means judges get to overrule actual experts hired for their specific expertise in administrative matters. undoes years and years of development of our administrative institutions.

these fuckers.
The thing I’ve kept harping on is that even if Biden seemed to be 100% A-ok right now, at his age extreme mental and physical decline can come at you out of nowhere and hit very hard and fast.

I’ve seen it myself over and over again with family friends & family. Strong, vital, independent seniors who regressed in the space of months to empty, confused husks of their former selves.

So the fact that Biden is already having these issues NOW should be a bright red flashing warning sign with an air raid siren attachea

I'm not even sure why Biden wants to run again

His term will go down as an all time great. And he can spend his remaining years on earth basking in the glow of the guy who saved American democracy and pushed forward a robust agenda of meaningful changes.
I'm not even sure why Biden wants to run again

His term will go down as an all time great. And he can spend his remaining years on earth basking in the glow of the guy who saved American democracy and pushed forward a robust agenda of meaningful changes.
I suspect it's hubris. he thinks he's the only one (and best one) that can beat dotard