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OT: American Politics

On the plus side, if trump loses to this version of Biden it will be his most embarrassing humiliating defeat yet!
I'm not even sure why Biden wants to run again

His term will go down as an all time great. And he can spend his remaining years on earth basking in the glow of the guy who saved American democracy and pushed forward a robust agenda of meaningful changes.

Beating Trump in 2020 to hold back fascism, having the four-year term he did and then riding off into the sunset after handing off the reins to a well-prepared successor would have made for a hell of a legacy.

It also would have freed him up to put almost all of his focus into governing, without having to worry about personally running for re-election.

That’s honestly what I thought the plan was back when he won in 2020. But Biden’s hubris got the better of him. I suppose this is an extremely common phenomenon for old folks. Plenty of seniors who fight tooth and nail over moving into assisted living or losing their driver’s license, even after almost burning their house down multiple times or getting in serious accidents. But the consequences for this senior in denial are writ large.
It's interesting to hear Biden was so much better later last night. Does seem to indicate that whoever prepped him for this debate should be fired into the sun. Filling his head with stats and numbers is not the way you debate a lying douchebag like Trump. This was not the fucking Princeton Debate Club.

View: https://x.com/RadioFreeTom/status/1806526331368198421

Hopefully in the next debate they use a much different strategy, and Biden should look a lot better as a result. Maybe inject a little cocaine in there just to be sure.

It does set him up well for the 2nd debate. All he has to do it provide a 6.5/10 performance and everyone will be like, "Oh thank God, Biden's back baby!!"
Should've known better, but I'm actually still kinda shocked at how pathetic some of these tech bros are turning out to be. Zero fucks given about facts or decency.

It's been proven time and time again over the last few decades that the economy runs much better with the Dems in charge. Which should be obvious even to a 5-year old, that's a good thing for a tech billionaire.

View: https://x.com/RadioFreeTom/status/1806550168889622592