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OT: American Politics

Beating Trump in 2020 to hold back fascism, having the four-year term he did and then riding off into the sunset after handing off the reins to a well-prepared successor would have made for a hell of a legacy.

It also would have freed him up to put almost all of his focus into governing, without having to worry about personally running for re-election.

That’s honestly what I thought the plan was back when he won in 2020. But Biden’s hubris got the better of him. I suppose this is an extremely common phenomenon for old folks. Plenty of seniors who fight tooth and nail over moving into assisted living or losing their driver’s license, even after almost burning their house down multiple times or getting in serious accidents. But the consequences for this senior in denial are writ large.
How ironic that that fascism and march to WW3 only was worsened under Biden.
So any unelected bureaucrat is better than someone the country elects...? That's terrifying.
Yeah, you want some warhawk CIA official or FBI ideologue unilaterally running the country? That's fine and acceptable when they're on your side and putting their hand on the scale towards what you believe in, but what about when they're doing it for the other side like pre-2020? That's why the democrats have always been at odds with the intel agencies and meddling abroad, but that has been flipped on its head 2020+
Last night was insane. I was terrified 10 seconds after puck drop…after listening to his pasty slack jawed face trying to string together 5 words, I knew he was going to serve a night of muffins and choke jobs
Having said all that that, maybe Joe’s undead performance today and in the days ahead, might be his last gasp before he fades into the sunset
can't have both.

if there's a march to WW3 going on, it's only because we're finally standing up to the current fascist threat.

The only way to avoid it is to stand up to it, ironically enough. Wait too long and China sees itself as the mechanism to tip the balance in a long war the west didn't commit to early enough and then it's really on. Stomp the Russians down early and hard, China takes it as a cautionary tale. They're not taking on the "western order" by themselves down the line with a crippled post war Russia as their strongest ally.