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OT: American Politics

So Ukraine wants to join an org headed up by the country who orchestrated the coup in their country in 2014?

Ehhh, yeah. This is a fever dream.

This isn't a difficult topic to understand. Ukie parliament did this:


Integration with the EU was/is massively popular with Ukrainians

and Yanukovich pulled out after pressure from the Kremlin over "trade issues". The "trade issues" were trade embargoes that Russia placed on Ukraine after they signalled their intent to join the EU...not Nato...the EU. At the time, Ukrainian exports to Russia counted for 24% of their total exports. The corrupt political class buckled as the Kremlin intended, the people of Ukraine didn't and revolted.

The CIA didn't make Ukraine want to join the EU. The CIA didn't make Russia punish Ukraine for wanting to join the EU and the CIA didn't generate a popular revolution when the people of Ukraine saw their future in the EU be denied to them by a corrupt political class and the Kremlin.
Had a great day at work taunting the boys about the debate. Most of them are MAGA apes and they know Trump got absolutely slaughtered. The fact of the matter is that Biden is a peak physical and intellectual specimen in the prime of his life. Trump simply got clowned upon last night and I have no doubt we are taking this one home in November.
I have yet to see evidence to support the claim that Russia wants to claim all of Ukraine, much less continue past Ukraine.

I have seen a lot that says Putin simply doesn't want NATO, as promised wouldn't happen when the USSR was dissolved, continuing eastward expansion.

I did see where Boris Johnson intentionally sabotaged a peace agreement because Ukraine was going to promise neutrality. Now Ukraine has lost a whole generation of young men and now yank any able-bodied older man off the street to throw into the firing line. Such a waste of life.
You clearly have not been listening to Putin then lol