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OT: American Politics

Jesus. Just seeing this news now.

They really are rolling out the red carpet for a full-on Trump fascist autocracy, aren’t they?

Yup. How the next 6 months go seems pretty obvious

- The polling has been/is bullshit and Joe has a healthy lead. Joe will win a contested election but by a fairly safe amount.
- The amount will be 2-4 points higher than pre election polling more or less across the board because of the flooded zone. A lot of the Biden wins will be due to mail in ballots again as well
- Trump will use this manufactured "irregularity" to scream election fraud....again
- This time the legal challenges will end up at SCOTUS and they'll do what we all expect them to do 6-3.
Yup. How the next 6 months go seems pretty obvious

- The polling has been/is bullshit and Joe has a healthy lead. Joe will win a contested election but by a fairly safe amount.
- The amount will be 2-4 points higher than pre election polling more or less across the board because of the flooded zone. A lot of the Biden wins will be due to mail in ballots again as well
- Trump will use this manufactured "irregularity" to scream election fraud....again
- This time the legal challenges will end up at SCOTUS and they'll do what we all expect them to do 6-3.

I’m speaking moreso of after Trump takes power again.

If he wants to start jailing and/or murdering journalists, political opponents, officials, federal employees or even just private citizens for opposing him in any way (as he’s often spoken of doing), what’s stopping now him exactly if the President is an absolute monarch with total legal immunity for their actions while in office?