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OT: American Politics

I so badly want this election to be an all-time, definitive, historical, ass-whupping. But my gut is telling me it instead could be the end of modern democracy as we know it. High stakes.

Then Republicans win, America stops being a functioning democracy (yes yes a Republic....which is a form of democratic government) within the next 10-12 years.

I'm just prescribing the cure. You can tell me all the reasons you feel to need to avoid fruits, vegetables, and exercise. It doesn't matter, either sufficient changes are made or death is imminent.

but like... it wasn't like this couldn't be seen coming.
Past week has been pretty fun. Supreme Court is on fire.

Lots of people could use a basic grade school civics class to learn about the checks and balances so many on the left wish to discard.
Past week has been pretty fun. Supreme Court is on fire.

Lots of people could use a basic grade school civics class to learn about the checks and balances so many on the left wish to discard.
Are you certain that you haven't received any sort of serious head injury recently? Then again, after 8 years you still can't seem to figure out that Trump is the most obvious conman in human history, so maybe this goes back a while?
It's too bad it affects... a whole bunch of other people and other countries/US allies, because otherwise I'd totally be rooting for the stupids to reach the finding out phase of living in a crumbled democracy.

Maybe 4 years from now he'll be here telling us he punched one of him.
It's so fucking hard to look in the mirror and say, oh my God I fucked up and believed in this nonsense for YEARS, but I can see now the people I've been mocking were right all along. Trump is an imbecile conman and I was duped. I got caught up in the right-wing rage machine, and believed in all these conspiracy theories that are 97% horseshit. People like Tucker Carlson and Tim Pool are doing what they do because they got rich and famous doing it, not because they're telling the truth.

It's just human nature to double and triple down, rather than acknowledge weakness.

I truly do understand it's extremely difficult, so I have some sympathy. All I can say is that hopefully one day these folks will figure it out, acknowledge their mistake and return to reality. It does happen sometimes. Totally sucks that you got duped, but it's better to acknowledge it now than keep quadrupling down for another year. And it will be better to acknowledge it a year from now, than keep quintupling down for another 2 years. Etc.