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OT: American Politics

so I'm still not sure exactly where I land on this. but at this point, we're almost in a post-fact world. the media narrative is set and I don't think anything is going to change it. which is a problem.

View: https://x.com/jonfavs/status/1808493354423845263

Those numbers are scary... But I agree that Biden shouldn't be running for President... But I'd definitely vote for him. So I'm guessing that a lot of those people will vote for him.
Those numbers are scary... But I agree that Biden shouldn't be running for President... But I'd definitely vote for him. So I'm guessing that a lot of those people will vote for him.
yah it's tough. Biden has been the best president of my lifetime in terms of accomplishments.

but the dude is fucking old, and looking and acting it.

also, no question who is better between him and trump. senile joe >>> trump.

Betting lines are tilting in Kamala's favor as the Dem nominee after this one dropped.
okay headline is doing most of the work there. read the article and to me it reads like, 'yeah we know we fucked up. we're gonna work to fix it.'

not, 'he may consider dropping out'.