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OT: American Politics

It's mostly all eye test stuff right now but the eye test in 2020 was a leading indicator for the data, which had Biden comfortably ahead the entire time. And this sure feels like 2020 level of excitement so hopefully history can repeat itself.

Still highly uncertain that she's electable but I feel better than I did a week ago.
the transition from Joe to Kamala as the candidate has gone about as well as can be expected, which is encouraging.
I’m shocked by it. I didn’t believe in Kamala at all as a candidate but seeing everyone collectively get in lock-step behind her and this energy and excitement it’s generated. It’s been a real shot in the arm…..has me exponentially more pumped about her candidacy than I’d have expected to be.
I think the enthusiasm is real and speaks to just how concerned folks were about old man Joe
were they tho?

did anyone care who JFK or Reagan or Carter or Clinton's veeps were during the elections?

I think Cheney was the first really consequential veep in terms of impact on policy while in office, but I don't think he mattered much to Bush's election campaign.

Biden was kiinda important for Obama cuz racism....but Obama was kind of a force of nature regardless.

Actually the only veep that might have had an outsized impact on any election might actually be Mike Pence - because he brought all the evangelicals over to the blatantly unchristian Trump.
I mean way back, I think it started out like that, not the last 50 years.
They used to be