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OT: American Politics

I doubt he’d ever openly admit to being a Trumper.

He’d probably continue with his usual shtick of pouring a never-ending stream of invective on the Dems—and only the Dems—while never saying a single unkind thing about Trump or the Republicans.

And anyone who suggests he supports Trump will be met with him condescendingly insinuating they’re a MSM-brainwashed rube not on his intellectual level.

And if he does openly declare support for anyone, it’ll either still be Bernie Sanders, or it’ll be Jill Stein or RFK Jr.

He lost me at the horse paste
He lost me at the horse paste

He’d lost me already well before then, when I became aware of the existence of “tankies” and suddenly the underlying motivation for his whole schtick made sense to me.

But him becoming an angry evangelist for horse paste was definitely the moment where it became clear he’d been well and truly lost to MAGA-world.
Would think there’d a VP Pick/convention bump coming and quite frankly even if those early Emerson numbers for swing states remained til November I’d prob think she takes them. Trump +2 with a margin of error of 3 point something ain’t shit.