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OT: American Politics

It is early, it was nearly 50-50. The DNC is going to change everything. That is why I don't trust the polling yet. Everyday, thousands are registering. And polls ignore them.

It's a bad senate cycle for Dems though. A bunch of purple states and you have to hold serve across the board, and then win 2 of TX, FL, MT, OH just to go 50/50 and win on the VP tie breaker.
Former Reagan speechwriter, Peggy Noonan praises Kamala in the Wall Street Journal

Long piece but here’s a chunk

I had long thought Kamala Harris couldn’t beat Donald Trump. That’s wrong. She can.

We’re a 50/50 country, each side gets 40 going in, you fight for the rest but it can always go either way. As people who speak the technical language of politics say, Mr. Trump has a high floor but a low ceiling.

But beyond that, something’s happening.

Ms. Harris has not, in five years on the national stage, shown competence. She is showing it now, and that is big news. Her rollout this week demonstrated talent and hinted she may be a real political athlete.

Her past and famous verbal embarrassments, which shaped her public reputation, almost all took place in interviews and ad libbed arias. They obscured a real proficiency.

She was striking and strong in this week’s speeches in Milwaukee and Houston. She knows how to act a speech. When she is scripted she is good. That isn’t all put-down. She knows what a good speech is. She can judge it, recognize good material. Not all candidates can. Most can’t. It is its own talent.

Milwaukee especially had power. Its theme: “We’re not going back.” We’re not going back to Jan. 6, 2021, to the old ways, to unfreedom, to racism, sexism, to Trumpian America. We’re going forward into something new and exciting. She was positing that it is bigger than her.

Among those who follow politics closely and are highly online for political content, views of Ms. Harris hardened long ago. But to those of relaxed engagement, especially the young, she will be a new figure. They’ll be seeing her for the first time. They’ll be open to what they see.
did the fbi only text that statement to those two reporters from fox? just curious bc no one else seems to have it but baier and heinrich