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OT: American Politics

not that it matters in any way, but it would be personally funny for me if the markets finished up higher tomorrow than they were last friday.

That means tomorrow we need:

DJIA: +279.04 (+0.71%)
S&P: +26.67 (+0.50%)
NSQ: +116.38 (+0.70%)
a couple times there she almost strays off into the cheesy voice IMO but she reins it in quickly each time.

She needs to balance Cacklin Kamabla vs Prosecutor Kamabla. People do want to not feel like complete shit about politics after dealing with Trump for 9 years now. But she still has to seem "Presidential" and this today was that. Cacklin Kamabla is great for rallies, but this is what she needs to be on the Stump & debate stage. A smart combo of both for interviews