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OT: American Politics

Yeah, it’s kind of funny. You would think the crunchy granola types and dirty hippies who think everything “natural”, “raw” or “organic” is automatically better would be lefties.

But there’s been a pretty steady pipeline of these folks progressing from those quirky views to full-fledged support for far right fascists in the past 10-15 years.

I guess it does make some sense. They all have a shared distrust of science, education & expertise. And they’re also all credulous morons with a weakness for conspiracy theories and an extreme over-estimation of their own intelligence & expertise.

Covid and the far-right’s embrace of anti-vaxx conspiracy theories also turbo-charged the coming together of these two groups.
Autonomy over ones body and health is a far-right fascist position interesting.
Why do you have the right to put my health in danger from an illness that can be controlled, or at minimum extremely diminished, with a safe vaccine?

lol, "totalitarian". You people are fucking goofy.

They would rather die or suffer a disability from a controllable virus than admit commie book lurnin’ librul scienticians are right. F@ck you college boy! I did my own research!!