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OT: American Politics

It would be like getting saved from nuclear apocalypse because the guy who programmed the flight path of the bomb was a flat earther and the missile lands harmlessly off course in the ocean.
AKA Something you take and Thanks God some other deity for and just realize a lucky intervention
Before he lost his mind during covid, Joe Rogan supported Bernie Sanders in 2020 and had him on the show, and when he decided to do an Election Day live stream, the person he chose to record it with was progressive Kyle Kulinski. So I wouldn't be surprised if he's receptive to Kamala.
I can see this is hard for you.

If they are unelected, they are unaccountable. The people who grant the consent the to be governed have no say in how they are governed in this hypothetical. If an expert wants to be in a policy-making role they need to be elected by the people. This is why I am against your advocacy of deferring so much to "experts".

You are advocating for an unelected, unaccountable oligarchy where there is no repercussion if they don't pursue the desires and wants of the people they represent. Unilaterally imposing your will on a country because someone somewhere anointed you the expert is not a democracy.
Did it ever occur to you that most people are idiots? If "the people" get to decide everything they'll simply decide not to pay taxes anymore, blissfully ignorant of the fact that without taxation they won't have anything and will have to pay out of pocket for literally everything. That's why governments rely on experts, like economists, for example, to help craft things like the tax codes. This is a nation of nearly a half a billion people we're talking about here, not Goober's General Store in East Bumblefuck Alabama.
She won't do Mahar's show either.
She shouldn't. He had fucking Megyn Kelly on last night. I get that he wants to have guests from right and left but if he's going to have guests from the right he needs the kind of Republicans who are rational. You know, the ones who don't live in a MAGA fever dream. You invite people like Kelly or that hillbilly in a suit that was on the week before who's name escapes me, and you're not getting an honest, good faith dialogue. You're getting bullshit.
It’s actually a great forum for her. He will give you time and space, ask follow up questions and is more open minded than avg maga to listen to left/central points.
Too much to lose and too little to gain from the Harris perspective. Being on Rogan won't win her the election but it could lose it for her.

On the other hand, Trump going on Rogan won't move the needle for him one bit. He already has the choade vote.

And this is, for me, why I believe Harris will put a clown suit on Trump next month. Because he isnt getting one single new vote that he didn't get last time. Harris, however, is going to get all the voters she already would have gotten plus a bunch that never voted Democrat before and several who were dyed in the wool Republican voters.
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