I do not have the confidence that you do. What I’m reading here is almost like fait accomplis and that is what’s concerning me greatly.
That’s where I am at.I wish I had that confidence, but I’m still part of the tiny minority on this board that’s almost 100% confident that Trump’s getting re-elected.
That’s where I am at.
Yep. It’d be nice if the mostly Canadian, progressive, left-leaning denizens of a hockey message board were the ones actually voting on this in the end. But unfortunately, it’ll be Americans.
The one thing that would’ve convinced me that maybe he’d lose is if, somewhere along the way, facts or reality had started to matter among his base and the Republican Party in general.
But they’re as cultishly behind him as ever, even after the last 3-4 years. Which means his base will turn out for him, and any Republicans in government will pull out every dirty trick they can imagine to boost his chances.
And all this confident talk about Trump’s dismal polling and non-existent chances is definitely giving me flashbacks to 2016.
OT - I accidently came upon this youtube video:as an aside, it’s truly sad that so much of the exaggerated caricatures that The Simpsons wrote as a silly joke came to pass. Nobody would bat an eye if that visual would be used by an NFL broadcast with “brought to you by MasterLock”
At this point many Republicans I spoke to said the only hope for Trump is that Biden implodes.
I fear they underestimate the depth of crazy in their country
we already know the amount (roughly) of crazies --- most of them voted for Trump in 2016