We already sorta had a hint that he takes damage to property very seriously.
Absolutely disgusting.
IMO, this is encompassing way more than the brutal Floyd murder at this point -- people of all stripes are getting their licks in. Just like COVID is accelerating our digital disruption, being locked up has also magnified all types of despair, resentment and hopelessness of being left behind.
Pro-arsonist. And I’m part of the problem. You’re actively taking the side of the arsonist over the innocent business owner.
I mean, this is all popping off because a cop thought that it was a good idea to keep a black man from breathing for 9 minutes and appears to have stayed on him long after they established that he had no pulse.
Your answer to this is allowing the same people who continued choking a corpse for minutes to pick our targets in a target rich environment for more extrajudicial justice.
"Police shouldn't be able to shoot someone about to set fire to an empty building" is not "pro" anything other than pro rule of law.
It’s entirely consistent with what I said. I am absolutely fine with legs and arms being broken in the process of putting down this chaos.
Your answer is you prefer to let an arsonist flee than to apprehend him for a crime that destroys property and risks lives.
How many of these businesses have insurance?
or taking a non lethal shot
You must jerk off to architectural digest or something.
Yes, my answer is to not let police fire on suspects in crowded areas, or to discharge their weapons to stop anyone from fleeing a crime scene unless they are protecting lives. Not property, lives. You know, kind of according to the SOP of every police agency in the western world.
Yeah, that's my answer.
How many of these businesses have insurance?
There's no such thing as a gun shot that is 100% non lethal.
Like I said in my previous reply. Don’t start attributing bullshit statements to me to support your position.
careful what you wish for.
For **** sake. I set up the clear hypothetical and you’re trying to turn it into a choose your own adventure.
Thanks for the tip. I’m not out burning down buildings, so I should be fine.