LOF, think about what you're saying here. It's reasonable to argue that looting shouldn't be happening, or tolerated. But it is absolutely outrageous for a goddamn lawyer of all people to be arguing that the police should be shooting into crowds during a riot about bad policing.
Minneapolis police don't exactly have a sterling record when it comes to quality of judgment. By about the 2nd or 3rd person shot, you will probably see the situation escalate 2-4X. And how long till a bystander gets hit? Do you really want to see an innocent person get shot because a riled-up idiot broke a window.
It could be hyperbole, but it's a ridiculous argument. I'm sure if the cops see a person setting fire to a building, they'll get the billy clubs out pretty quick.
Yes, it sucks that there's looting. It sucks much more to have a police officer's knee on your neck cutting off your airflow for 9 minutes.