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OT: American Politics

Depends on where they're moving from. If they're moving from Penn, Ohio, NC, Virginia, Wisc, etc. No, the opposite.

Right now one of the largest democrat problems is how gerrymandered battleground states are. Shed a significant amount of true believers to the south (which is already pretty solidly Republican) and you turn current battleground states into Dem fortresses that get large enough wins (at all levels) to undo a lot of the baked in bullshit the Republicans have been doing for the last 20 years.

Other than something of a fluke in Georgia, Democrats got swept out of the south...how much worse can it get for them down there? Turn the US South into our version of Alberta-Sask. If all of the Republicans move to jesus land and they're winning a steady 80% of the vote across the board down there...fuck'em, let them live in their perpetual state of minority rage and make memes about rising again.

Appears the Jesus states are attempting to make the leaving part illegal too.
I mean thats sooooo unconstitutional. The court doesn't even need to rule on LGBTQ rights. Missouri isn't the smartest bunch.
They're betting on the hope that they won't need to have a cogent argument because they've stacked the SCOTUS with hard line conservatives and Catholics. If SCOTUS says something is legal then it is, even if it isn't.

This is what happens when you are a meat puppet without an original thought of your own. You get fed a bunch of talking points and witty rejoinders to use on Fox but if you forget your lines hilarity ensues and you can't recover because, well, they aren't your words and you have no thoughts.
They're betting on the hope that they won't need to have a cogent argument because they've stacked the SCOTUS with hard line conservatives and Catholics. If SCOTUS says something is legal then it is, even if it isn't.

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure freedom of movement is a hardline conservative principal. How else are they all going to move to Florida and Texas?
I feel like since dotard stacked the courts SCOTUS has made it clear that the law, constitution, rights, etc. are all very, very flexible. I for one no longer count on them to be much more than partisan sycophants, sadly.